Welcome everyone to how to Hunter 101 for SquireBot.
We will start at level 1 with Raptor Strike.
Create a macro for spell#1:
/castsequence reset=target Auto Shot, Auto Shot, Raptor Strike, Raptor Strike
Combat Tab:
Spells and buffs
Spell#1 Key:2 CD:1000 CT:1000
Eating and Drinking
HP: 20 Key:X Dur:20000
MP: 20 Key:X Dur:20000
Class is: Hybrid
Utility Tab:
Upon Whisper put screenshots on
Settings Tab:
Run To Loot: 800
WP’s to skip after loot: 0
Pause key: Empty (Defeault is ESC key)
Vendor interval timer: 15-60 ( use 15 or 60 minutes what your preference is. leave blank if you dont have vendors in your level profiles).
Dont Forget to type /reload in chat before starting Squirebot!
<h1>Level 6</h1>
Go to the trainer and learn all new spells.
Create a macro like this:
/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot, Raptor Strike, Raptor Strike
Combat Tab:
Spells and buffs
Spell#1 Key:2(macro) CD:1000 CT:1000
Engage Key:1(Hunter’s Mark) Dur:1000 CT:1000
<h1>Level 10-60</h1>
Go to the trainer and learn all new spells and get pet quest done.
Tame a pet, preferably one that has the “Growl” skill so it keeps agro of the mob you’re attacking.
NOTE: It’s important that your pet is always in “Passive” mode!
Create this macro and bind it to key 1:
/cast Hunter’s Mark
Create this macro and bind it to key 2:
/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot
Create this macro and bind it to a key of choice:
/cast feed pet
/use Tender Crocolisk Meat
NOTE: Replace “Tender Crocolick Meat” with the food you wanna feed your pet with.
Combat Tab:
Spells and buffs
Spell#1 Key:2(macro) CD:1500 CT:1500
Engage Key:1(Hunter’s Mark) Dur:1500 CT:5000
Buff#1 Key:5(Aspect of the Hawk) CT:1500
Keybind the call pet, summon pet, heal pet, feed pet and assist pet spells in-game.
Enter those keybinds in the “Pets” section of the Combat tab.
In the “Feed pet” box, enter they key that’s bound to the “Feed pet” macro that we created before (mentioned above).
This is ofcourse a basic guide you can add or change whatever you like.
This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
Squire Dajustin.
This topic was modified 4 years ago by
Squire Dajustin.
This topic was modified 4 years ago by
Squire Dajustin.
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