Welcome everyone to how to Warlock 101 for SquireBot.
We will start at level 1 with Shadow Bolt and Demon Skin.
Combat Tab:
Spells and buffs
Spell#1 Key:2 CD:1000 CT:1800
Buff#1 Key:3 CD:1800000 CT:1000

Eating and Drinking
HP: 20 Key:X Dur:20000
MP: 20 Key:X Dur:20000
Class is: Ranged
Utility Tab:
Upon Whisper put screenshots on
Settings Tab:
Run To Loot: 800
WP’s to skip after loot: 0
Pause key: Empty (Defeault is ESC key)
Vendor interval timer: 15-60 ( use 15 or 60 minutes what your preference is. leave blank if you dont have vendors in your level profiles).
Dont Forget to type /reload in chat before starting Squirebot!
Level 6
Learn all your new spells and go to the next area and we are going to create warlock macro.
Create Macro and put in at key 2 in your spellbar:
/castsequence reset=target Corruption, Immolate, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
Important is to put your pet on Passive
Combat Tab:
Spells and buffs
Spell#1 Key:2 CD:500 CT:500
Buff#1 Key:3 CD:1800000 CT:1000

Eating and Drinking
HP: 60 Key:X Dur:20000
MP: 60 Key:X Dur:20000
Level 10-60
Learn all new spells and get some bags and gear. move to your next location.
Update your macro to:
/castsequence reset=target Corruption, Immolate, Curse of Agony, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
Update your macro to if using a wand:
/castsequence reset=target Corruption, Immolate, Curse of Agony, Shadow Bolt, !shoot, !shoot, !shoot, !shoot, !shoot
!!Important is to put your pet on Passive!!
Leave the rest the same
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