Home Forums Combat Rotations SquireBot Basic Mage Rotation

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  • #927
    Squire Dajustin

    Welcome everyone to how to mage 101 for SquireBot.

    We will start at level 1 with Fire Ball and Frost Shield.


    Combat Tab:

    Spells and buffs

    Spell#1 Key:2 CD:1000 CT:2000

    Buff#1 Key:3 CD:1800000 CT:1000

    Eating and Drinking

    HP: 20 Key:X Dur:20000

    MP: 20 Key:X Dur:20000


    Class is: Ranged

    Utility Tab:

    Upon Whisper put screenshots on


    Settings Tab:

    Run To Loot: 800

    WP’s to skip after loot: 0

    Pause key: Empty (Defeault is ESC key)

    Vendor interval timer: 15-60 ( use 15 or 60 minutes what your preference is. leave blank if you dont have vendors in your level profiles).

    Dont Forget to type /reload in chat before starting Squirebot!

    Level 6

    Go to the spell trainer and learn all your spells add new spells to the spellbar.

    Combat Tab:

    Spells and buffs

    Spell#1 Key:2 CD:1000 CT:2000

    Target under: 20% Key:CT:8000


    Buff#1 Key:CD:1800000 CT:1000

    Buff#2 Key:4 CD:1700000 CT:1000

    Eating and Drinking

    HP: 60 Key:X Dur:20000

    MP: 60 Key:X Dur:20000

    Rest of the settings stay the same.

    Level 15-60

    Learn new spells and get 5 talent points in arcane misseles for interuption.


    Create a macro and put in key 2:

    /castsequence reset=target Frostbolt, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Missiles, !shoot, !shoot, !shoot


    Combat Tab:

    Spells and buffs

    Spell#1 Key:2 CD:500 CT:500

    Target under: 20% Key:CT:8000


    Buff#1 Key:CD:1800000 CT:1000

    Buff#2 Key:4 CD:1700000 CT:1000

    This is ofcourse a basic guide you can add or change whatever you like.

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    Here is my fire mage setup:

    Spell #1 – Key 1 (Macro: /startattack
    /castsequence reset=target fireball,fireball,fireball,scorch,scorch,scorch,scorch,scorch )
    Spell #2 – Key 2 Fire Blast
    Engage – Key 1

    This setup uses mana gem and evocation. I make food/water before I start the bot.

    See the screenshots for details.

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