Home Forums Combat Rotations SquireBot Basic Shaman Rotation

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  • #938
    Squire Dajustin

    Welcome everyone to how to Shaman 101 for SquireBot.

    We will start at level 1 with Lightning Bolt and Rockbiter Weapon.


    Combat Tab:

    Spells and buffs

    Spell#1 Key:2 CD:1000 CT:1600

    Buff#1 Key:Dur: 300000 CT:1000

    Eating and Drinking

    HP: 20 Key:X Dur:20000

    MP: 20 Key:X Dur:20000


    Class is: Hybrid


    Utility Tab:

    Upon Whisper put screenshots on


    Settings Tab:

    Run To Loot: 800

    WP’s to skip after loot: 0

    Pause key: Empty (Defeault is ESC key)

    Vendor interval timer: 15-60 ( use 15 or 60 minutes what your preference is. leave blank if you dont have vendors in your level profiles).


    Dont Forget to type /reload in chat before starting Squirebot!


    easy load Xml File will follow soon.

    Jacob Lyckvid

    Any more update to this rotation?

    christopher ryals

    can we get more on this as a enh shammy maybe a Xml File soon

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